Reuse of genomic data for health purposes:
The role of citizens and patients

This meeting has now been concluded, and you can see the presentation here.

Progress update for stakeholders of the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project with a focus on the role of patients and citizens.

Meeting information:

When: October 10th, 2024 10:30 am - 1:30 pm (CET)
Venue: Virtual

Please find the agenda and a link to register below.

Agenda Register

Aim of the meeting:

The aim of the GDI Stakeholder Forum is to disseminate project information, updates, and outcomes to invited stakeholders. This particular stakeholder forum will focus on building an element of patient and citizen engagement for the 1+Million Genomes Framework to sit alongside the Technical and Implementation aspects of the framework.

Outcomes of Meeting:

  • Participants have an awareness of GDI as a project and its progress towards realising the ambition of the 1+MG initiative.
  • Framework outlining how participating Member States can use to implement patient and citizen engagement within their respective nations
  • Short report that summarises the meeting and discussions that will result in a GDI newsletter and shared during the 1+MG meeting


For queries about the event please email