How the project is organised

The GDI project will make data accessible for research, clinical reference, and policy development through three Pillars of work, supported by a coordination Work Package.

GDI project structure

Pillars & WPs

GDI Pillar I focuses on the operational planning for continuous high-quality services by addressing the long-term operational planning of national and European services.

Pillar I provides the 1+MG Group and committed countries with models and frameworks on which they can agree to develop a sustainable, European genomics data infrastructure to support better healthcare and research.

Pillar/WP leader: Regina Becker (PNED GIE), Troels Rasmussen (NGC)

The role of GDI Pillar II is to make genomic and associated data aligned with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, and allow the use cases developed in Pillar III to build interpretative tools leveraging these data. Pillar II works on incrementally increasing the interoperability of technical services and readiness levels of European, national and regional data hubs.

Pillar II Leads: Tommi Nyrönen (CSC), Bengt Persson (UU), Dylan Spalding (CSC)

To support a national node as it progresses sequentially through the three-stage maturity assessment - from onboarding, to deployment, to operational status - mapped to Technical Readiness Levels (TRLs) and ELIXIR Core Data Resource Indicators.

WP leader: Bengt Persson (UU), Johan Viklund (UU), Anna Hagwall (UU)

To take European level operations into consideration and ensure national nodes are fully interoperable with each other during the operational phase.

WP leader: Christophe Trefois (PNED GIE), Wei Gu (PNED GIE), Venkata Satagopam (PNED GIE)

To facilitate the progress of the federated infrastructure through the three-stage maturity assessment levels.

WP leader: Tommi Nyrönen (CSC), Dylan Spalding (CSC)

To ensure the data used to test the nodes is representative of the data the node manages, and the testing of the node is valid and relevant.

WP leader: Rob Hooft (HRI)

GDI Pillar III develops the technical solutions required to tackle diseases. It does this by identifying user needs and driving the implementation of solutions through use cases focused on population genomics, cancer and infectious diseases. Pillar III works closely with Pillar II to validate the readiness of new technologies, such as federated data, analysis and federated learning, for use cases to accelerate implementation.

Pillar III Leads: Alfonso Valencia (BSC), Salvador Capella-Gutierrez (BSC), Marc Van Den Bulcke (SC), Oliver Stegle (DKFZ), Jeroen Belien (HRI)

To consider the application of infrastructure across disease use cases, including the use of available data from the Genome of Europe project as a control population for research, as well as cancer and infectious diseases.

WP leader: Alfonso Valencia (BSC), Salvador Capella-Gutierrez (BSC), Marc Van Den Bulcke (SC), Oliver Stegle (DKFZ)

To explore innovative approaches for federated data access and federated learning for the integration of genomics and phenotyping data and to identify missing elements in the technical infrastructure pipeline that need to be tackled.

WP leader: Alfonso Valencia (BSC), Salvador Capella-Gutierrez (BSC), Marc Van Den Bulcke (SC)

The project is structured around a coordination Work Package (WP1), composed of the ELIXIR Hub and the Pillar leads. It oversees the project implementation, produces quarterly reports, and supports key stakeholder activities

Pillar I provides the 1+MG Group and committed countries with models and frameworks on which they can agree to develop a sustainable, European genomics data infrastructure to support better healthcare and research.

Pillar/WP leader: Laura Carletti (EMBL-ELIXIR Hub), Juan Arenas (EMBL-ELIXIR Hub), Serena Scollen (EMBL-ELIXIR Hub)

The mandatory Ethics Requirements have been introduced to the project in Work Package 9 where the coordinator will ensure sufficient consultation and support to address the ethical issues that could appear during the execution of the project. The objective of this work package is to ensure compliance with the Ethics Requirements included as deliverables in the work package. No budget is assigned to the work package.

WP leader: Serena Scollen (EMBL-ELIXIR Hub), Juan Arenas (EMBL-ELIXIR Hub)